Steve Harper Painting
Steve Harper Painting works in Florida and surrounding areas. We are experts in residential and commercial interior painting & exterior painting and wall coverings in Florida. We are the top painting contractors in Central East Coast of Florida and we deliver every time the best in any aspect – service, workmanship, quality & materials.
Steve Harper Painting offers full interior and exterior painting services and solutions for both houses, condos, apartments and commercial / industrial clients. Our house painters can do anything – from custom-made finishes for old and new homes, plus repaints and staining – with design and budget planning.
Looking for house painters in Central Florida? Looking for a makeover? Steve Harper Painting is offering many options that will make fall in love with your home – again. Transform your walls! Steve Harper Painting does it all…from budgeting and planning to the perfect finish.
Steve Harper Painting is devoted to give you a level of service that is unmatchable. Our attention to details and the eye for design guarantee an enjoyable experience – like it should be in Florida.
I have owned my business which I have operated proudly for 30 years. Offering interior & exterior painting services – for residential, commercial and industrial customers.
I offer you an high-end, quality work done by professional painters with years of trade experience at a reasonable price. Plus, we are Lead Compliance Certified EPA Consultants.
All our work is guaranteed and insured.
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Steve Harper -
Steve Harper
Painting, Inc.
880 Airport Road
Suite 104, Ormond
Beach, Florida
Phone: 386-672-9850 Fax: 386-672-8903 email us at Steve Harper or Estimator